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Pre-Existing High Blood Pressure and Pregnancy

Hypertension, or high blood pressure, is a common condition that affects many people worldwide. It is defined as a systolic blood pressure of 140 mmHg or higher, and/or a diastolic blood pressure of 90 mmHg or higher. Hypertension can have serious consequences for pregnant women and their unborn babies, and it is important to manage this condition carefully during pregnancy.

Pre-existing hypertension is a condition in which a woman has high blood pressure before becoming pregnant. This condition can have significant effects on pregnancy, including an increased risk of preeclampsia, placental abruption, preterm birth, and fetal growth restriction. In addition, women with pre-existing hypertension are more likely to develop gestational diabetes and other complications during pregnancy.

Managing pre-existing hypertension during pregnancy is essential to ensure the health and safety of both the mother and the baby. The guidelines for managing hypertension during pregnancy vary depending on the severity of the condition and other factors such as age, weight, and overall health.

In Canada, the guidelines for managing hypertension during pregnancy recommend close monitoring of blood pressure levels throughout pregnancy. Women with pre-existing hypertension should have their blood pressure checked at every prenatal visit, and they may need to monitor their blood pressure at home as well.

In addition to monitoring blood pressure levels, women with pre-existing hypertension may need to make lifestyle changes to manage their condition during pregnancy. These changes may include eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and avoiding smoking and alcohol.

If lifestyle changes are not enough to manage pre-existing hypertension during pregnancy, medication may be necessary. The guidelines in Ontario recommend prescribing certain medications to treat hypertension during pregnancy. These medications are considered safe for use during pregnancy and have been shown to be effective in controlling blood pressure levels.

Women with pre-existing hypertension may also need additional monitoring and testing during pregnancy. This may include regular ultrasounds to monitor fetal growth and development, as well as fetal heart rate monitoring to check for signs of distress.

In some cases, women with pre-existing hypertension may need to be hospitalized during pregnancy to manage their condition. This may be necessary if blood pressure levels become dangerously high or if there are signs of complications such as preeclampsia or placental abruption.

Overall, managing pre-existing hypertension during pregnancy requires careful monitoring, lifestyle changes, and sometimes medication. Women with this condition should work closely with their healthcare providers to ensure the best possible outcomes for themselves and their babies.

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